Monday, March 14, 2011

Welcome to Unwritten Ends!

The idea of starting a blog has been wandering around my mind for a while now.  I am a relatively pensive person with a flair for writing about many topics, but my blogging endeavor was waiting for a topic capable of supporting an abundance of posts. Enter a suggestion from my friend Linda, some inspiration from author/reporter Gene Weingarten, and several reflections of my own, and I arrived at Writing Unwritten Ends

The premise behind Writing Unwritten Ends is that each of us is the author of our own life and our own destiny.  Of course we can't control the entire plot of our lives, and we can't be sure how things will play out in the end.  Life, as with writing, is an ongoing process of revision.  There are some basic rules, but no literary expert can provide a single outline for all great stories.  Sometimes in writing, the story takes control of the plot and heads in a direction unforeseen by the author.  The author may approach a story with a conclusion in mind, but he can never be sure how the plot will unfold and shape the ending.  Each of our lives is a unique story.  We all have our own life goals, and we all encounter unforeseen twists and turns.  But no matter what the 'experts' say, the end remains unwritten.

Writing Unwritten Ends is something of a life journal, where I share my thoughts and experiences.  I won't bore you by chronicling every detail of my life, but I'll share some of the everyday highs and lows, reflections and musings that cross my path.  This isn't the blog of someone who has been everywhere, done everything, and knows everything there is to know.  It's the blog of someone who is here, trying things in the moment, learning as she goes, and sharing those thoughts and experiences with you. 
I hope you'll join me in Writing the Unwritten Ends of our lives and the future.

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